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Piatto Pastries
Livello di difficoltà Capable Cooks
Metodo Baking
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A delicious dessert from Friuli-Venezia Giulia.



For the pastry:
• 300g flour
• 2 tbsp butter
• 300g flour
•1 tbsp sugar
•3 tbsp warm salted water

For the filling:
• 4 large apples
• 80g sugar
• 50g butter
• 100g raisins
• Grappa
• 40g pine nuts
• 3 tbsp breadcrumbs
• Sprinkle of ground nutmeg
• Sprinkle of cinnamon
• Zest of 1 small lemon
• Milk
• Icing sugar, for dusting

1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, softened butter and sugar while slowly adding the salted water until combined. On a clean bench-top, gently knead the dough until you have a smooth and soft texture. Wrap it in a tea towel and let rest for an hour.
2. Preheat oven to 220°C.
3. As the dough rests, soak the raisins in grappa (or brandy) in a small bowl for about 20 minutes, then drain and set aside.
4. Lightly toast the breadcrumbs in 50g of butter and set aside.
5. Once the dough is ready, roll it out flat (approx. 5mm thick) and layer on top (peeling and thinly cut) apples and sprinkle with sugar. Add layers of raisins, lemon zest, pine nuts, toasted breadcrumbs, nutmeg and cinnamon.
6. Roll the strudel and coat with milk.
7. Cook for 20 mins.
8. Serve at room temperature with a dusting of icing sugar.