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The Brisbane International Guitar Festival

Evento di Editorial Team

A weekend celebration of classical guitar music will take stage at Brisbane’s exciting new performance venue, Magda Community Artz Centre , Bardon, on 0ctober 1 and 2. The program opens with a Saturday evening performance by Adriano del Sal, his only Queensland concert on his Australian tour. Adriano’s exquisite interpretation of his Romantic guitar repertoire has won him many international awards, including the prestigious Concours Tárrega International Guitar Competition. The critical acclaim of Adriano’s playing includes such accolades as “… a remarkable technique and a refined musical sensibility….”; “extraordinary musical talent and total technical control”; "Exceptional musical talent, deep artistic sensitivity, and complete technical mastery of his instrument make Adriano Del Sal’s playing unique and unforgettable...". This rare opportunity for an evening with Adriano del Sal is not to be missed but the pleasure doesn’t end there. Sunday afternoon at Magda’s presents an absolute feast of talent, filling the auditorium with some of the finest classical guitar music played by world-class guitarists.

Data Ottobre 1, 2016 - Ottobre 2, 2016
Ora 7:30pm - 6:00pm
Magda Community Artz