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Baccalà in umido con spaghetti

Piatto Pasta
Livello di difficoltà Easy
Metodo Stove Top
Portate 4
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There's no better combination than seafood and pasta, especially when it comes to this Calabrian dish.



• 5 pieces salted cod, chopped
• 500g spaghetti
• 2 tins peeled tomatoes
• 1 garlic clove, crushed
• Spring onions
• Oregano
• Oil for frying

1. Fry the garlic in oil. Add the onion and a pinch of oregano. Cook until browned.
2. Add the peeled tomatoes. Season with salt and pepper and cook for around 20 minutes.
3. Add the salted cod and cook for 10 minutes.
4. Meanwhile, cook the spaghetti in salted boiling water. Drain.
5. Dress the spaghetti in the sauce and serve hot.